Wednesday 26 February 2020



Image result for plab2 cartoon

"'s the most difficult step out of all other stages in the journey to UK", this statement , all of you must have been familiar by now, it's neither true nor false, Plab 2 has its own difficulty level as the other steps and the best part is , it could be done with focused preparation   in a couple of months.

Before we begin, please watch a video by GMC,UK for better understanding

Video link : (copy and past in your search engine)

General ideas about the exam :

  • Objective structured clinical exam (OSCE)
  • 18 Scenarios to deal, each with 8 minutes
  • Evaluated under 3 major headings
  • Pass/fail test ( score does not matter)

 What is this "OSCE"

Image result for plab2 exam room

Its a clinical assessment where YOU being doctor shall have to talk/examine to a 2nd PERSON(patient/colleague/simulated mannequin) where you have to follow the specific task mentioned in your question within 8 minutes in the presence of an EXAMINER ( do not ask you any questions) and this is not a VIVA exam that we are familiar. ( Please watch the official video by GMC -link has been mentioned above) 

18 scinarios 

Ideally , there will be 18 scenarios to confront where you just have to cross the minimum required score and 11 scenarios to pass the test, ( It is okay even if you have failed to pass 7 stations)

3 major Headings

Often a candidate will be evaluated under these skills - data gathering( history taking) , clinical management (examination/ advises/ suggestions) , interpersonal skills ( effective communication) 

The actual purpose of this test is to screen those candidates who are familiar with the standards that need to be followed while working in United Kingdom, there are no questions about the knowledge  as we passed the PLAB1 exam, now that has to be applied in a clinical setup.


based on surgical/medical/pediatric/psychiatric/obstetric/gynecological scenarios, sometime to counsel or deal with an ethical issue

Looks like a little scary, but I assure you that it's not at all difficult with focused training and a little observation.


It is good that you get trained with an expert so as to correct mistakes and mould skills optimally needed for the test.Often candidate take training from various PLAB2 academies from UK or outside UK, but there are people who passed it even without any assistance. 

It would be appropriate to spend  a minimum of 2 months for the preperation

Keys to crack the test

  • Read through all the previous questions and practice it with the GMC timer atleast once.
  • Watch examination/ scenario videos ( must if you have some doubts about a task)
  • Modify your positive skills - be kind/respectful/ empathetic/eye contact etc.
  • Manage your Negative habits - Over talking/ ordering/ Judging 

NB : This is the most basic level of an exam that a doctor would seek to enter in to UK so as to assure doctor-patient safety, hence it is not st all a stage to submit the extreme depth of your knowledge or  fine skills. I repeat, They just want us to be a WELL MANNERED SAFE DOCTOR...!!!

For for details , post a comment... Good Luck

Tuesday 18 February 2020


Image result for doctor cartoon

NB : Here I have explained how I prepared for PLAB 1 test, there are many who cleared this exam            even with a little or no preparation at all.

Before we begin, some general Ideas About the test : 

  • 180 MCQs to be done in 3 hours
  • Mostly clinical oriented
  • Pass / Fail Test ( score doesn't matter)
  • Happens 2 times overseas, frequently in UK
  • Its The door to PLAB2
  • Materials are available in social media

Materials :  1. PLABABLE.COM (3 month subscription , costs approx. 30 pounds)

                   2. PLABZILLA ( Chapter wise Questionnaire)

                   3. Dr Khalid's 1700 Questions

                   4. Mocks 

Ideally 3 months would be sufficient enough to crack the test.Out of 3, last 1 month with a little hard work. 
Prime book for plab1 is PLABABLE.COM QUESTIONNAIRE

Here is how I did along with work -

DAY 1 to DAY 30 (30 DAYS)
Image result for alarm cartoon
Decide the number of question that you could solve from plabable within first 20days ( there by finish it within 20 days)
Total No. o0f Q's in whole Plabable   =   X Questions

Along with this.....!

 Just do Dr Khalids 1700 questions (100 Qns/ day, not more than 1 hour a day) - many answers are controversial , but Just Tick and go as a revision of PLABABLE,just note down or circle doubtful Qs and move on, there you could finish Book No. 3 within 17 days. 

By now that you have almost completed BOOK No.1 & 3 (still confusions and uncertainty would persist- that's usual and completely okay)

                                        ( 1 MONTH COMPLETED)

DAY 31 to DAY 50 ( 20 DAYS)  

BOOK NO.2 PLABZILLA  ( similar to 1700 Qns but arranged according to Systems.)

                Total No. of Systems =  X No. of systems per day
                          20 days
Since we have done with plabable, It would like a revision , so just run through the booklet and grasp those keys words etc... 

Along with this.....!

Just re-read those marked or encircled questions from Dr Khalids 1700 ( Already done during Day 1 to 17) you could spent 1-2 hours in finding explanations from your friends/ facebook groups.

                                       ( 1 MONTH + 20 DAYS COMPLETED)

DAY 51 to DAY 70 ( 20 DAYS)

 Just Revise PLABABLE.COM questionnaire, this time it would be easier and faster to move forward from system to system there by we could strengthen the principles and clear confusions.

                                      ( 2 MONTH + 10 DAYS COMPLETED)

DAY 71 to DAY 80 ( 10 DAYS)

  Do 2 mocks per day  (  morning and evening)  * 10 days = 20 mocks

Try to keep a timer , 180 Qns within 2 hours, there by learning time management.
discuss difficult qns with colleagues.

DAY 81 to DAY 90 ( 10 DAYS)

Revise PLABABLE once more, Just relax and run through.

Take a day off just before the test, Its easily doable with enough effort, It could be done along with the work.

Good Luck......!!

Please watch the overview video about PLAB1  by GMC :

Friday 14 February 2020


Which one should I go for....IELTS or OET ????

well, we planned a journey, we decided to pursue the dream, envisioned of working far away, created a mind set about to chase that goal.... and we stepped up... Yea..It's United kingdom, I'll be doing my degree there.that's it. no more discussions.....

oh Nooo... there comes the Road Block, 

                             STEP 1 : ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT EXAM.
                                            ( Beat the bouncer - if You want to enter in) 

Image result for bar bouncer cartoons

There pops up tons of questions.........!!!!

Image result for confused cartoons
  • Is it mandatory to give English language assessment exam ?
  • Which one of the test should I attempt IELTS or OET ?
  • Is OET better than IELTS ?
  • Is that Academic IELTS or General IELTS ?
  • Is it beneficial to clear IELTS-UKVI with respect to Academic IELTS ?
  • Do you know the deference and similarities between OET and IELTS ? 

  • Ladies and Gentleman , for your best knowledge , you are no more eligible to apply for PLAB test without the required score or grade in an English language assessment exam.
  • Both IELTS and OET come under the Language assessment exams, Both are good with their own positive facts and its absolutely personal decision to choose which one you want go for.
  • Neither OET nor IELTS is better than the other, as mentioned its completely a personal choice and you make your call.
  •  Academic IELTS is recommended for doctors/nurses moving to UK.
  • From 1st October 2019, you can use IELTS/OET certificate for visa application and no more UKVI IELTS is mandatory.
  • These are few differences between IELTS and OET

Image result for difference between ielts and oet

For better understanding, Please watch an overview about the tests. here I have mentioned some, understand the test and decide which one should you be trying.........

Overview  :  



(copy and paste in youtube)

Now Its your time to make your call....!!

NB : Please feel free to contact if you have any queries.(emails/comments)
Image result for good luck imagesImage result for tim ferriss decision making

Sunday 9 February 2020


Image result for 2 doctor cartoon
John and  James are good friends from their med-school days and they are always happy and active in both studies and extra-activities, spending time with books was their hobby, there were no days in their collage days without spending a time in library.their method of study was really appreciable, like John would learn one topic that james wont, and he will expalin to james and vice versa. one day somebody asked them: "Hey nerds, why don't you study every topics yourself , rather than shuffling??" James got really furious and told him that " this is our way, please step away from our business".

Days moved, finally that day has come, Final year exam, J&J were fully prepared and attended both theory and practical exams without any trouble. James was really happy with medicine and paediatrics at the same time John felt extremely happy after surgery and obstretics exams.

After the last day of exam, they went for a short trip to nearby city , had a lot of memmorable events. After 1 month , they both were checking university online portal for the results. Finally , they got the best news.....JJs are clear and scored high in their exams. JJs felt really proud and blessed for their achievement and worthy for the hardship. 

Both JJs were not planning to take any leaves but to join for house job as early as possible.One day John said to james :"I feel like only 10% of what we learned are here in practice.."James just nodded his head as he always does. They both learned various new skills, felt proud after taking the baby out, smiled after suturing, blushed after dressing a wound, strong after assisting the surgeon, fantastic after prescribing  first medicine and luckiest after graduating from med school.

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Now Both Dr.J&J are busy, they are working in different hospitals. They faced different situations, witnessed extreme feelings, struggled with tight work schedules.2 years had passed, one day James called John and said 
" Hi John, am tired of working this way, I think We should plan about looking forward to the future, I dont think I can work this way all along,How about NEET exam??" this time John nodded his head and felt warmth inside for having a friend like him.

J&J Left their Jobs and started picking up their old methods back , J reads- J listens and vice versa, it went on everyday, weeks, months. The day has come, ALL INDIA NEET EXAM FOR PG, they both attended well. Soon after the exam, James didnt forget the old habit of discussing possible answers with James, they were really hopeful about the results and dreamed about even enrolling in best med school in their country.

J saw the newspaper " NEET PG RESULTS WILL BE PUBLISHED TOMORROW", soon he called J and both were mentally prepared to work in a same hospital, John couldnt sleep that night and James dreamed of hitting 1st Rank and john with 3rd. The next day it happened, the Result were published.
Image result for 2 doctor cartoon SAD

Image result for 2 doctor cartoon SAD

J&J were in shock once they saw their result, 2 alphabets "NQ", John started blaming the board for this brutality, even decided to quit this pathetic trial for the lifetime and decided not even think about the  letters...(NEET), James nodded his head but this time he consoled his best friend and convinced him to try once more. Unfortunately, John was not at all nodding his head and didnt even move his head. 

J&J , being best friends, one could really understand the other. this time James took an oath  and said "Whatever happens , we shall not be even thinking about this 4 lettered exams". John felt extremely happy about that moment and both walked out like Avengers in the Endgame.

A few days later, 
John came up with a new Idea and he shouted : "Hello James, I found something fabulous and am sure you are gonna love it"   
James : What is it my friend??

John : Have heard something about PLAB exam??

James : oh.. no, What is it???

John : Its a medical exam which would help doctors to register under General Medical Council,                     United Kingdom.
James : Oh , sounds great, Is it a Post graduate qualifying exam N***..??( they took an oath)

John : No my friend, It is just an exam which would help us to work and enter in to United kingdom               as doctors.

James : I don't think that's our line John, If we want work, we could do it n't? Do we need to                 go that far?? are you lost?? ( James gets a lot of adrenaline rush  these days)

John : I understand your feelings J, But I have a good news for you, we can do post graduation after               working for a while.. is n't that amazing??

James : Really, please tell me more about that ..!!

John : Please don't go excited J , we need to be good with ENGLISH language if we want take an                   attempt. Relax, let me tell you , in-order to apply for PLAB 1  we have to have either 

                                   IELTS ( minimum 7 in each modules & 7.5 overall)
                                   OET (minimum  Grade B in each modlues )

James : Okay, sounds great , now tell me about plab 1 exam please..

john : Look J , PLAB1 is a multiple choice exam with 180 questions in it, and I have heard they only            ask clinically oriented questions and It needs just 3 months to study. Also , study materials are            available everywhere.Its not at all a competitive exam, I mean the score doesn't matter, Just                  have to cross certain average score.

James: alright, but I worried about the next part, I heard many fails there.

John: Oh J, Trust me, I know people who passed in single attempt , and they were not as smart as we            were. PLAB2 is practical exam where we have to demonstrate our clinical skills as we did in              our old days. there will be 18 stations ( each station has a patient and an examiner).
          you can even fail in 5 stations , still you are in. How does that sound??

James : That's really cool, That's all?? anymore exams??

John : No J, once we clear step 2, we are eligible for the registration, then we will attend interviews              and get a junior doctor Job for a short term and move to UK , And.......???

James : Then will start specialty training when its time , Am I right??

John : Exactly J,

Both J&J were happy that they could figure out some way to peruse their dreams. If any of YOU need any further clarifications , Please emil me, I would definitely try to help YOU after consulting J&Js.

Have a good day,