Tuesday 18 February 2020


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NB : Here I have explained how I prepared for PLAB 1 test, there are many who cleared this exam            even with a little or no preparation at all.

Before we begin, some general Ideas About the test : 

  • 180 MCQs to be done in 3 hours
  • Mostly clinical oriented
  • Pass / Fail Test ( score doesn't matter)
  • Happens 2 times overseas, frequently in UK
  • Its The door to PLAB2
  • Materials are available in social media

Materials :  1. PLABABLE.COM (3 month subscription , costs approx. 30 pounds)

                   2. PLABZILLA ( Chapter wise Questionnaire)

                   3. Dr Khalid's 1700 Questions

                   4. Mocks 

Ideally 3 months would be sufficient enough to crack the test.Out of 3, last 1 month with a little hard work. 
Prime book for plab1 is PLABABLE.COM QUESTIONNAIRE

Here is how I did along with work -

DAY 1 to DAY 30 (30 DAYS)
Image result for alarm cartoon
Decide the number of question that you could solve from plabable within first 20days ( there by finish it within 20 days)
Total No. o0f Q's in whole Plabable   =   X Questions

Along with this.....!

 Just do Dr Khalids 1700 questions (100 Qns/ day, not more than 1 hour a day) - many answers are controversial , but Just Tick and go as a revision of PLABABLE,just note down or circle doubtful Qs and move on, there you could finish Book No. 3 within 17 days. 

By now that you have almost completed BOOK No.1 & 3 (still confusions and uncertainty would persist- that's usual and completely okay)

                                        ( 1 MONTH COMPLETED)

DAY 31 to DAY 50 ( 20 DAYS)  

BOOK NO.2 PLABZILLA  ( similar to 1700 Qns but arranged according to Systems.)

                Total No. of Systems =  X No. of systems per day
                          20 days
Since we have done with plabable, It would like a revision , so just run through the booklet and grasp those keys words etc... 

Along with this.....!

Just re-read those marked or encircled questions from Dr Khalids 1700 ( Already done during Day 1 to 17) you could spent 1-2 hours in finding explanations from your friends/ facebook groups.

                                       ( 1 MONTH + 20 DAYS COMPLETED)

DAY 51 to DAY 70 ( 20 DAYS)

 Just Revise PLABABLE.COM questionnaire, this time it would be easier and faster to move forward from system to system there by we could strengthen the principles and clear confusions.

                                      ( 2 MONTH + 10 DAYS COMPLETED)

DAY 71 to DAY 80 ( 10 DAYS)

  Do 2 mocks per day  (  morning and evening)  * 10 days = 20 mocks

Try to keep a timer , 180 Qns within 2 hours, there by learning time management.
discuss difficult qns with colleagues.

DAY 81 to DAY 90 ( 10 DAYS)

Revise PLABABLE once more, Just relax and run through.

Take a day off just before the test, Its easily doable with enough effort, It could be done along with the work.

Good Luck......!!

Please watch the overview video about PLAB1  by GMC : https://youtu.be/5d0L_UtxFkw


  1. Free PLAB Single Best Answer Questions with Answers and Explanations. No fee. Just a collection from students to help each other out.

    Check it out at allthingsmedico.blogspot.com

    Loads of questions uploaded daily

  2. It would be a wonderful Idea✌️🙂
