Sunday 9 February 2020


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John and  James are good friends from their med-school days and they are always happy and active in both studies and extra-activities, spending time with books was their hobby, there were no days in their collage days without spending a time in library.their method of study was really appreciable, like John would learn one topic that james wont, and he will expalin to james and vice versa. one day somebody asked them: "Hey nerds, why don't you study every topics yourself , rather than shuffling??" James got really furious and told him that " this is our way, please step away from our business".

Days moved, finally that day has come, Final year exam, J&J were fully prepared and attended both theory and practical exams without any trouble. James was really happy with medicine and paediatrics at the same time John felt extremely happy after surgery and obstretics exams.

After the last day of exam, they went for a short trip to nearby city , had a lot of memmorable events. After 1 month , they both were checking university online portal for the results. Finally , they got the best news.....JJs are clear and scored high in their exams. JJs felt really proud and blessed for their achievement and worthy for the hardship. 

Both JJs were not planning to take any leaves but to join for house job as early as possible.One day John said to james :"I feel like only 10% of what we learned are here in practice.."James just nodded his head as he always does. They both learned various new skills, felt proud after taking the baby out, smiled after suturing, blushed after dressing a wound, strong after assisting the surgeon, fantastic after prescribing  first medicine and luckiest after graduating from med school.

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Now Both Dr.J&J are busy, they are working in different hospitals. They faced different situations, witnessed extreme feelings, struggled with tight work schedules.2 years had passed, one day James called John and said 
" Hi John, am tired of working this way, I think We should plan about looking forward to the future, I dont think I can work this way all along,How about NEET exam??" this time John nodded his head and felt warmth inside for having a friend like him.

J&J Left their Jobs and started picking up their old methods back , J reads- J listens and vice versa, it went on everyday, weeks, months. The day has come, ALL INDIA NEET EXAM FOR PG, they both attended well. Soon after the exam, James didnt forget the old habit of discussing possible answers with James, they were really hopeful about the results and dreamed about even enrolling in best med school in their country.

J saw the newspaper " NEET PG RESULTS WILL BE PUBLISHED TOMORROW", soon he called J and both were mentally prepared to work in a same hospital, John couldnt sleep that night and James dreamed of hitting 1st Rank and john with 3rd. The next day it happened, the Result were published.
Image result for 2 doctor cartoon SAD

Image result for 2 doctor cartoon SAD

J&J were in shock once they saw their result, 2 alphabets "NQ", John started blaming the board for this brutality, even decided to quit this pathetic trial for the lifetime and decided not even think about the  letters...(NEET), James nodded his head but this time he consoled his best friend and convinced him to try once more. Unfortunately, John was not at all nodding his head and didnt even move his head. 

J&J , being best friends, one could really understand the other. this time James took an oath  and said "Whatever happens , we shall not be even thinking about this 4 lettered exams". John felt extremely happy about that moment and both walked out like Avengers in the Endgame.

A few days later, 
John came up with a new Idea and he shouted : "Hello James, I found something fabulous and am sure you are gonna love it"   
James : What is it my friend??

John : Have heard something about PLAB exam??

James : oh.. no, What is it???

John : Its a medical exam which would help doctors to register under General Medical Council,                     United Kingdom.
James : Oh , sounds great, Is it a Post graduate qualifying exam N***..??( they took an oath)

John : No my friend, It is just an exam which would help us to work and enter in to United kingdom               as doctors.

James : I don't think that's our line John, If we want work, we could do it n't? Do we need to                 go that far?? are you lost?? ( James gets a lot of adrenaline rush  these days)

John : I understand your feelings J, But I have a good news for you, we can do post graduation after               working for a while.. is n't that amazing??

James : Really, please tell me more about that ..!!

John : Please don't go excited J , we need to be good with ENGLISH language if we want take an                   attempt. Relax, let me tell you , in-order to apply for PLAB 1  we have to have either 

                                   IELTS ( minimum 7 in each modules & 7.5 overall)
                                   OET (minimum  Grade B in each modlues )

James : Okay, sounds great , now tell me about plab 1 exam please..

john : Look J , PLAB1 is a multiple choice exam with 180 questions in it, and I have heard they only            ask clinically oriented questions and It needs just 3 months to study. Also , study materials are            available everywhere.Its not at all a competitive exam, I mean the score doesn't matter, Just                  have to cross certain average score.

James: alright, but I worried about the next part, I heard many fails there.

John: Oh J, Trust me, I know people who passed in single attempt , and they were not as smart as we            were. PLAB2 is practical exam where we have to demonstrate our clinical skills as we did in              our old days. there will be 18 stations ( each station has a patient and an examiner).
          you can even fail in 5 stations , still you are in. How does that sound??

James : That's really cool, That's all?? anymore exams??

John : No J, once we clear step 2, we are eligible for the registration, then we will attend interviews              and get a junior doctor Job for a short term and move to UK , And.......???

James : Then will start specialty training when its time , Am I right??

John : Exactly J,

Both J&J were happy that they could figure out some way to peruse their dreams. If any of YOU need any further clarifications , Please emil me, I would definitely try to help YOU after consulting J&Js.

Have a good day,

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