Wednesday 26 February 2020



Image result for plab2 cartoon

"'s the most difficult step out of all other stages in the journey to UK", this statement , all of you must have been familiar by now, it's neither true nor false, Plab 2 has its own difficulty level as the other steps and the best part is , it could be done with focused preparation   in a couple of months.

Before we begin, please watch a video by GMC,UK for better understanding

Video link : (copy and past in your search engine)

General ideas about the exam :

  • Objective structured clinical exam (OSCE)
  • 18 Scenarios to deal, each with 8 minutes
  • Evaluated under 3 major headings
  • Pass/fail test ( score does not matter)

 What is this "OSCE"

Image result for plab2 exam room

Its a clinical assessment where YOU being doctor shall have to talk/examine to a 2nd PERSON(patient/colleague/simulated mannequin) where you have to follow the specific task mentioned in your question within 8 minutes in the presence of an EXAMINER ( do not ask you any questions) and this is not a VIVA exam that we are familiar. ( Please watch the official video by GMC -link has been mentioned above) 

18 scinarios 

Ideally , there will be 18 scenarios to confront where you just have to cross the minimum required score and 11 scenarios to pass the test, ( It is okay even if you have failed to pass 7 stations)

3 major Headings

Often a candidate will be evaluated under these skills - data gathering( history taking) , clinical management (examination/ advises/ suggestions) , interpersonal skills ( effective communication) 

The actual purpose of this test is to screen those candidates who are familiar with the standards that need to be followed while working in United Kingdom, there are no questions about the knowledge  as we passed the PLAB1 exam, now that has to be applied in a clinical setup.


based on surgical/medical/pediatric/psychiatric/obstetric/gynecological scenarios, sometime to counsel or deal with an ethical issue

Looks like a little scary, but I assure you that it's not at all difficult with focused training and a little observation.


It is good that you get trained with an expert so as to correct mistakes and mould skills optimally needed for the test.Often candidate take training from various PLAB2 academies from UK or outside UK, but there are people who passed it even without any assistance. 

It would be appropriate to spend  a minimum of 2 months for the preperation

Keys to crack the test

  • Read through all the previous questions and practice it with the GMC timer atleast once.
  • Watch examination/ scenario videos ( must if you have some doubts about a task)
  • Modify your positive skills - be kind/respectful/ empathetic/eye contact etc.
  • Manage your Negative habits - Over talking/ ordering/ Judging 

NB : This is the most basic level of an exam that a doctor would seek to enter in to UK so as to assure doctor-patient safety, hence it is not st all a stage to submit the extreme depth of your knowledge or  fine skills. I repeat, They just want us to be a WELL MANNERED SAFE DOCTOR...!!!

For for details , post a comment... Good Luck

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